What you will experience from a Quantum Healyng session is a clear understanding of the function energy, alignment and balance plays in the body. While gaining structural stability, there is a sense of deeper relaxation and release of accumulated emotional and physical stress, chronic pain and fatigue. This healing process is informative and fun yet intense and profound.This advanced technology-based, meditative approach promotes balance and harmony by working with the universal life force and the body’s own healing intelligence. The focus and goal of her work is to uncover what Truths are held in the body’s energy system, what message is behind the disharmony, and rebalance the natural flow of energy.The sessions seemlessly weave together Healyng Technologies, Bodywork, Energy Healing, Myofascial, NeuroMuscular, Thai Massage and much more into a Integrative Intuitive Deep Transformative Experience.
Jen Healy is the founder of Aerial Yoga Play (www.aerialyogaplay.com), The Quantum Playground (www.thequantumplayground.com), Zen Healyng and Healyng Technologies (www.zenhealyng.com) - bringing together the best information and excellence in Quantum Healyng Technologies, Energy Medicine, Advanced Healing Arts, Conscious Movement, Empowerment and Evolutionary practices. With her background in Electrical Engineering and Physics, she brings an innovative approach to the movement arts that she calls “Quantum Healyng– Body Engineering and Energy Management.”
She brings a dynamic blend of yoga, dance, and movement to Aerial Yoga Play that allows full self-expression, release of limitations, and openness that is fun, playful, powerful, and healing as well as steeped with profound teachings and practical knowledge. Dedicated to advancing the healing arts, with over 15 years of experience and excellence, she has extensive knowledge and understanding of structure, anatomy, energy flow, and alignment.
She has been an experienced dancer, athlete, yogini, and natural arcobat all her life, which has inspired her to create a new paradigm in exercise and yoga therapy. Combining her training with her passion for embodied movement and sacred play, the vision of a “Quantum Playground” has been born, incorporating sacred geometry play structures with aerial yoga swings and monkey bars. A pioneer and revolutionary, Jen Healy has created a new wave of conscious movement to awaken the mind, body, and soul.
A standard 24 hour cancellation policy is in place for all appointments.
Payment is required at the time of booking to reserve your session.